Tools & Videos to help you pass the MRCGP SCA exam with ease​
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from £35/month
100+ Videos
Our members rate our videos 5/5 and 100% would recommend us to a colleague. Videos with professional actors.
20+ hours CPD
Stay one step ahead of the game with exclusive content not available anywhere else.
Examiner Commentary
Learn from experience. Case scenario analysis to help you understand the examiner's mindset.
Library Access
Unlimited access to our expanding library of content. Use for as long as you need.

What's Included
Aside from access to our ever growing video library there are many benefits to joining the community.
Videos can be watched with or without feedback and examiner commentary
A suggested mark scheme is included that you can print to aid in marking your own consultations
Our suggested consultation structure that has helped many users succeed in their exams is always a click away
About us
As siblings, we've always been helping each other throughout our careers as doctors.
We've always felt that medical education needed modernising for the digital age whilst staying true to providing a personal touch. We have been providing courses and revision material for clinicians over 7 years and CPD events for over 5 years.
We are both full time, actively practicing GPs working in the UK NHS service, with over 15 years’ experience between us. We therefore fully understand the real-life consultation challenges facing GPs today.
Until now we have distilled the skills we've accumulated as actively practicing GPs into the free YouTube videos you already know and love, which have proven useful for 100,000's of clinicians worldwide. After the success of our free videos, we decided to put together a constantly evolving video bundle at an affordable cost showing clinicians how we manage a broad range of challenging scenarios with examiner feedback.​
As well as access to our videos, you have access to our member's only community forum where you can post questions
We hope to teach you to be the BEST healthcare professional you can be.

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